MedilyticBiomedicals Pvt Ltd” is a dedicated provider of products and services to the in-vitro diagnostics, analytical industry and research field. With firm believe in building long term customer relationship and satisfaction our core focus is to have strong application and service –support after sales and a commitment to strive for the better products at an affordable cost for our customers, we deliver valuable products and timely end-user support.
We have a strong experience in the field of Medical & Scientific Instrumentation.
Presence in 16 States
Japan, Germany, South Korea
Equipments & Reagents
To deliver a research based quality product for health and science is our core approach.
To create value for our company in the area of research & health.
Accumulate one of the widest range of the products for research and health industry.
Research, Innovation, Accurate Results, Affordable prices, Health & Progressive work Environment
MediLytic Biomedicals is committed to provide quality pathology lab equipments to customers. A commitment to deliver one of the best technology in Affordable prices
Medilytic Biomedicals is one of the manufacturers who believe in delivering quality product.
We are one of the most trusted brands in Pathology & Research Equipments
Medilytic Provides 24x7 technical support to all our clients.
More than 27 different kind of clinical chemistry kits to cover all the essential lab tests