Medical Instruments > Hematology Equipments

Hemalab -5400

Manufactured By:

Product Description:

Hemalab -5400

Full Details:

* Double chamber, 5-part differential automatic hematology analyzer
* 27 parameters + 4 histograms + 1 Scattergrams
* 2 counting mode: whole blood and pre-diluted
* Platelet only, Hb only modes
* Around 90 samples per hour
* 12.1 inch Touch screen display
* External printer
* Stores upto 1,60,000 sample results (including histograms)

Technichal Specification:

* Double chamber, 5-part differential automatic hematology analyzer
* 27 parameters + 4 histograms + 1 Scattergrams
* 2 counting mode: whole blood and pre-diluted
* Platelet only, Hb only modes
* Around 90 samples per hour
* 12.1 inch Touch screen display
* External printer
* Stores upto 1,60,000 sample results (including histograms)